Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Why CoconuT Water?You Should Know The Benefits

Coconut water is the clear liquid inside young green coconuts (fruits of the coconut palm).It is a delicious and refreshing low-calorie natural beverage.Tender coconut water contains more nutrients than mature coconut water.
It's packed with antioxidants,amino acids,enzymes,B-complex vitamins,vitamin C and minerals like iron,calcium,potassium , magnesium,manganese and zinc.
Here are the top 9 health benefits of coconut water :

1 . Rehydrates the Body
Coconut water is an excellent thirst quencher to beat tropical summer thirst.Because of its electrolyte composition,coconut water is also used to rehydrate the body in case of dehydration and fluid loss due to diarrhea,vomiting or excessive sweating.A good source of carbohydrates,it also helps lift your energy level

2 . Coconut water is considered good for controlling high blood pressure ,thanks to its vitamin C,potassium and magnesium content.Pottassium,in particular,helps lower blood pressure by balancing out the negative effects of sodium.
A study published in the West Indian Medical Journal in 2005 also found that coconut water helps control hypertension.

3 . Prevent Aging
Coconut water contains lauric acid and cytokines,two essential elements that are used in the process of cell growth and regulation.This content results have a significant role anti - aging,anti - carcinogenic and anti - thrombotic that helps to minimize skin aging ,balancing the PH level and keep the skin tissue.

4 . Boost The Immune System
This water can we say as a super water,it is very rich in nutrients and vitamins such as riboflavin,niacin,thiamin and pyridoxine,and folate.Coconut water has anti - viral and anti- bacterial properties that can help boost the immune system and fight off viral infections like flu

5 . Kidney Stone Disease
Coconut water also helps in dissolving kidney stones because it contains potassium which plays a key role in the process of alkaline urine and prevent the formation of kidney stones

6 . Good For Pregnant Women
Coconut water is a healthy beverage for pregnant women because it can relieve "morning sickness" and prevent vomiting.In addition to containing electrolytes,calcium,potassium,sodium ,coconut water also contains Vitamin C is needed during pregnancy

7 . Lose Weight
Coconut water is proven to be very effective for weight loss.This drink has been seen as one of the most healthy way to lose weight because it is a natural drink and does not contain any chemicals.Coconut water has been used for centuries all over the world to lose weight and have shown positive results.How to lose weight?Try drinking coconut water,fills the stomach will feel full because it is very easily absorbed by the body so that it will delay your hunger.

8 . The Control Of Diabetes
Coconut water also helps to control diabetes.Coconut water,when consumed regularly has the ability to improve blood circulation in the body.This process will help to dilate blood vessels which can shrink due to the formation of plaque and helps blood flow smoothly so it will reduce diabetes.It also helps to fight atherosclerosis.

9 . Antioxidants
Coconut water contains antioxidants that is good enough to help eliminate free radicals.The toxic effects the use of antibiotics and sulfa drugs can also be solved with the consumption of this fruit.At the time of taking the drug,coconut water is also good because it will help facilitate absorption

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