Friday, April 22, 2016

13 Facts You Need To Know About Breasts

Breasts is one of the attractions of women ,called Pop Sugar are some interesting facts not known by many people ,icluding women.
Here are 13 facts you need to know ,including health problems that can be attacked ,and how should you do care:

1. There are eight types of nipple.Some of them are so - called flat,normal,swelling,overtuned and several others.

2. Sixty percent of people have more then two nipples.This case is not common,but it can not also be called rare.

3. The world's largest bra size is 102ZZZ

4. Some studies call,the woman's left breast tends to be slightly larger than the right

5. Smoking and pregnancy can cause sweater puppies to sag

6. Breasts can weigh about as much as three bricks.

7. According to a study only 20 percent of men look at your face when they meet  you for the first time,the other 80 percent are all busy ogling your breasts.

8. Did you know that you could be spoiling the shape of your breasts by sleeping on your stomach.

9. A study revealed that 50 per cent of women never bother to check themselves for breast cancer symptoms.

10. Men have breasts too,no kidding!And these are not overweight men,but men with the condition gynecomastia,where the mammary glands are abnormally overgrown

11. 85 per cent of women wear the wrong bra size

12. The state with the lowest incidence of breast cancer is  Arkansas

13. Both men (1 in 18) and women (1 in 50 ) can have polythelia-one or more extra nipples (which are often mistakenly identified as moles)

Other articles :

Wouwwww, 7 Foods That Make You Look Younger

Tips And How To Sharpen Memory

Earwax Save Secrets About Health

6 Foods That Are Bad For Your Skin

Type Natural Mosquito Repellent Plants

Symptoms,Causes and Treatment Of Bird Flu

Foods Should Not Be Consumed By The Body


Tips Manage Stress More Effectively

About Healthy Diet

Wouwwww, 7 Foods That Make You Look Younger

"Ageless " is the hope and dream of all the people,both men and women.Various indications that a person look younger looking skin that is firmer,away from wrinkles and protected from various diseases that usually attack at his age.Someone will look more youthful if he is able to control the level of stress,exercise regularly,drink green tea and eat a variety of specific foods.So,what are foods that can make a person appear more youthful.....???

1 . Watermelon
The summertime fave is loaded with lycopene. "This antioxidant compound gives watermelon and tomatoes their red color - and helps skin stave off UV damage , "says nutrition pro Keri Glassman,RD,founder of believe that the melon contains as much as 40 percent more of the phytochemical than raw tomatoes : that's the equivalent of an SPF 3 ,so use it to bolster (not replace) your daily dose of sunscreen.

2 . Avocados
Age may just be a number,but it's not one we like to give out willingly.Knock a few years off by tweaking your diet with these foods proven to be full of anti - aging properties.Plus,they'll help you reap the benefits of a smaller waist,too.

3 . Oatmeal
Non - processed versions of this breakfast favorite are packed with amino acids and vitamin E , which  nourish your skin, combat sun damage and counteract aging free radicals.

4 . Grapefruit
The vitamin C packed in this nutritious citrus fruit promotes collagen growth,which helps prevent sagging skin

5 . Berries
Researchers at Tufts University discovered that a number of  compounds in blueberries and additional berries assist in decreasing inflammations.In addition,they avert axidative - damage due to age associated disadvantages.

6 . Salmon 
Omega - 3 essential fatty acids,found in high levels in salmon,nourish the skin and prevent dryness and premature ageing.A lack of these healhty fats in your diet will make you prone to dry skin and wrinkles.
Omega - 3ss help produce the skin's natural moisture - retaining oil barrier and improve the skin's flexibility and ability to repair .Wild salmon has the added benefit of containing astaxanthin,a super antioxidant that helps combat the signs of ageing, as well as protecting againt cancer,and heart and neurodegenerative diseases

7 . Kale
Yes,this dark leafy green that has skyrocketed to superfood fame  is indeed a great veggie to help you look younger,as you may have assumed.One of the reasons it's such a powerhouse is the vitamin K that it contains,which has been shown to be beneficial at improving circulation,which helps your skin  appear glowly.Also,any redness or flakiness.Both inflammatory skin conditions that can make you look older-can be alleviated thanks to the sulfur found in kale.

Other articles :

13 Facts You Need To Know About Breasts

Tips And How To Sharpen Memory

Earwax Save Secrets About Health

6 Foods That Are Bad For Your Skin

Type Natural Mosquito Repellent Plants

Symptoms,Causes and Treatment Of Bird Flu

Foods Should Not Be Consumed By The Body


Tips Manage Stress More Effectively


About Healthy Diet

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Tips And How To Sharpen Memory

Tips And How To Sharpen Memory

Want to improve your memory?Learn from Ron White,a two - time U.S.Memory Champion who has trained business professional on how to improve their mental capacity,leading them to higher income.
Spend just 10 minutes a day for 30 days training your mind to access and retrieve information just like your computer.Here are five tips to get you started :

1 . Don't Skip The Physical exercise
While mental exercise is important for brain health,that doesn't mean you never need to break a sweat.Physical exercise helps your brain and reduces the risk for disorders that lead to memory loss,such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease.Exercise also enhances the effects pf helpful brain chemicals and reduces stress hormones.Perhaps most importantly,exercise plays an important role in neuroplasticity by boosting growth factors and stimulating new neuronal connections

2 . Keep Stress In Check
Stress is one of the brain's worst enemies.Over time,chronic stress destroys brain cells and damages the hippocampus,the region of the brain involved in the formation of new memories and the retrieval of old ones.Studies have also linked stress to memory loss

3 . Socialize Regularly
Social interaction helps ward off depression and stress , both of which can contribute to memory loss.Look for opportunities to get together with loved ones,friends are others - especially if you live alone.When you're invited to share a meal or attend an event,go !!!!

4 . Get Organized
You're more likely to forget things if your home is cluttered and your notes are in dissarray.Jot down tasks,appointments and other events in a special notebook,calendar or electronic planner.You might even repeat each entry out loud as you jot it down to help cement it in your memory.Keep to - do lists current and check off items you've completed.Set aside a certain place for  your wallet,keys and other essentials.
Limit distractions and don't try to do too many things at once.If you focus on the information that  you're trying to remember to a favorite song or an other familiar concept

5 . Get A Goodnight's Sleep
"Poor sleep takes a toll on everything,from your job performance to your daily chores, and especially your memory ",says Dr. Adarsh Kumar,Internal Medicine,National solidify the connections between neurons,thus helping us remember more of our tasks.Rule of thumb : Get 7-8 hours of sleep everyday.And yes,naps count.Expert are of the opinion that if you do only one thing to improve your memory,getting more sleep should be it.If you have trouble sleeping fast,drink a warm cup of milk a half hour before hitting the sheets.Yes,this age -old remedy actually works.Now stop staring at the ceiling,and slip into slumber.

More articles :

13 Facts You Need To Know About Breasts

Wouwwww, 7 Foods That Make You Look Younger

Earwax Save Secrets About Health

6 Foods That Are Bad For Your Skin

Type Natural Mosquito Repellent Plants

Symptoms,Causes and Treatment Of Bird Flu

Foods Should Not Be Consumed By The Body


Tips Manage Stress More EffectivelyAbout Healthy Diet

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Earwax Save Secrets About Health

What Is Earwax Made Of?
Earwax (scientific name cerumen ) is a combination of sebum,sloughed - off skin cells from inside of the ear,and secretions from the cerumenous glands in the outer ear canal.

Do You Know Your Earwax Type?
Earwax comes in two types - wet and dry.The kind you have depends on genetics.People of North - eastern Asian descent,especially those from China or Korea,tend to have dry ear wax,while the earwax of people from other regions is wet.

A latest research shows that there are many health secrets stored in wax.This secret  began to unfold when scientists discovered that human ear wax different,depending on the ethnicity of each.
Scientists from the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelpia gathering Earwax 16 men.Half of them are owned by Causian Shoutheast Asia.The study was conducted by examing the organic component ( volatile organic coumpounds or VOCs) are released during ear wax is heated
This little invention seems important for rsearchers who believe that earwax carries specific attributes of each individual.For example ,the type of earwax with dry or wet it can be associated with a particular gene,which can also be attributed to sweat in the armpits.All components of this turned out to bring the information a person's sex  or sexual orientation,and health.

Most recently,two types of diseases associated with bladder can be diagnosed by earwax.This means that, in the future a blood tests or urine is no longer needed.
"The smell or earwax can even tell what had just eaten a person or from the location where he was recently,"says George Preti,an organic chemist at Monell like it was written by TIME.

More articles 

13 Facts You Need To Know About Breasts

Tips And How To Sharpen Memory

Earwax Save Secrets About Health

6 Foods That Are Bad For Your Skin

Type Natural Mosquito Repellent Plants

Symptoms,Causes and Treatment Of Bird Flu

Foods Should Not Be Consumed By The Body

Tips Manage Stress More Effectively

8 Things You Should Never Flush Down The Toilet

7 Health Benefits Of Crying

9 Benefits Of Tea For Health And Beauty

6 Foods That Are Bad For Your Skin

Some say (it seems also true his words) that a person's face when aging will depend on how he was living when the youth.

In some particular habits,there can lead to a person's appearance becomes visible old fast.
1 . Eating Candy
Why eat a lot of candy can make old fast?Yes,because the sweets have properties tthat can destroy collagen so that moisture will not be maintened and the result if someone consume a lot of sweets, the skin will get old.So for those of you who still want to have beautiful skin and avoid foods that are sweet toned yes,like candy

2 . Eating Fried Foods
Bad fats contained in the oil can make skin wrinkles.So subtract eat fried and multiply eat vegetables or fruit for your skin's health is maintained.

3 . Too Much Coffee
There are quite a few rumors out there about what caffeine does to your skin, and especially what coffee does to your skin.Can the acidity of coffee change the pigment of your lips?Will drinking one cup of coffee per day actually be beneficial ?Can too much coffee dehydrate your body and your skin?

4 . Too Much Milk Consumption
Too many foods or beverages containing milk can trigger acne and black heads,especially for those who are lactose intolerance (the body does not produce enzymes to digest the milk sugar lactose) and did have acne prone skin.Should avoid or reduce the consumption of milk if you have the condition.

5 . Too Much Salt
Consumption of too much salt can cause puffy eyes and dark circles under the eyes form.Sodium or salt causes body tissues to swell,making the face look puffy and tired.Foods with too high salt content also can aggravate acne.So from now subtract your salt intake,replace by increasing potassium contained in bananas,potatoes,tomato sauce.beans , and carrots.

6 . Drinking From A Bottle With A straw
You might be surprised by the statement that the drink with a straw can cause someone old fast.That's because when drinking through a straw,the mouth will start to curl,which would cause wrinkles around the mouth,it is the same as when smoking.
Therefore,it is recommended that you drink from glasses to avoid wrinkles.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Type Natural Mosquito Repellent Plants

There are many types of plants that are proven to repel mosquitoes .This plant has been used by our ancestors since time ammenmorial , long before the repellent.They are usually planted around the house or rub the leaves to their bodies.
The use of anti - mosquito plants are plants are also healthier for our families.
If you are curious about any mosquito repellent plants,here's the full list:

According to Davis ,lavender oil has been used as a bug repellent for many centuries .Lavender was used in the past to protect clothes and linens from the infestation of moths and other insects.Davis advises to use lavender oil to prevent bites from mosquitoes and other biting insects.
Lavender oil also prevents the spread of infection caused by a bug bite and contols the itching and inflammation often associated with bug bites.

Geranium repels a wide variety of insects.Grown in a garden,they repel mosquitoes ,making it possible to enjoy your yard in the mornings and evenings.Geranium extract is also said to repel mosquitoes and is a popular ingredient in many natural over - the - counter insect repellent sprays.Planted in flower beds,geranium plants,such as beetles ,and are thus often  used as companion plants for many fruits and vegetables,including cabbage and tomatoes,as well as alongside roses ,according Golden Harvest Organics companion plants guide.

Aloe vera is a very popular cactus plant that many people around the world have used for  years for healing.Aloe vera is beneficial and to know more about aloe vera uses.
If you need an insect repellent ,aloe vera can be used for that purpose also.Aloe vera can be used purposed for that purpose also.Aloe vera is common ingredient used in the natural insect repellant formulas.It's great to use on animals,such as horses,to keep mosquitos and files at bay.And ,of course,humans will benefit from its repellant properties also.

You may have heard of a " mosquito plant ",a potted plant you can put outside in summer to repel mosquitoes.The idea seems great,if it would work.You'd set out some attractive greenery around your patio or back yard,that would not only look decorative but emit a pleasant odor that keeps mosquitoes away.


Lemon grass has long been used in natural insect repellents which contain citronella oil.Native to Asia,the grass can grow up to six feet tail and is quite an attractive ornamental grass.
To help deter mosquitoes with its strong fragrance,plant  lemon grass along walkways and in locations close to seating areas.More plants that repel mosquitoes.

Unfortunately,mosquitoes are more than a nuisance,they are vectors for numerous diseases.For instance,malaria kills over a million people a year,and though the disease is currently not endemic to the U.S. ,many argue that it is only a matter of time before it becomes common in the U.S. again.Mosquitoes also spread encephalitis,West Nile virus ,dengue fever and more.Instead of spending your hard earned money on chemical treatments that add to the mosquito population,in the long run,plant marigolds and other mosquito repelling plants in your yard for an immediate and cost effective solution

Symptoms,Causes and Treatment Of Bird Flu

Influenza A Virus subtype H5N1,also known as A (H5N1) or simply H5N1,is a subtype of the influenza A virus which can cause illness in humans and many other animal species. A bird-adapted strain of H5N1,called HPAI A (H5N1) for highly pathogenic avian influenza virus of type  A of subtype H5N1,is the highly pathogenic causative agent of H5N1 flu,commonly known as avian influenza.

Symptoms Of Avian Influenza :

You may have H5N1 if you experience typical flu - like symptoms such as :
3.respiratory Difficulties
4.Fever (over 104.4 F )
6.Muscle Aches
8.Runny Nose
9.Sore Throat

Cause And Treatment Of Avian Influenza (Bird Flu) :Avian Influenza Cause 

Bird flu is caused by a type of influenza A virus.There are many types of influenza viruses,and most prefer to live in a limited number of animal hosts.Thus,swine flu primarily infects swine ,and avian influenza  primarily infects birds.Howeve,in the late 1990s,a new strain of bird flu arose that was remarkable for its ability to cause severe disease and death in domesticated birds such as ducks ,chickens or turkeys.

Treatment Of Avian Influenza
Rest in bed.Avoid physical exertion.Avoid using alcohol and tobacco.Drink plenty of fluids such as water ,fruit juices,and clear soups.Water should not be the sole or main liquid consumed for prolonged periods because it does not contain adequate electrolytes (sodium and potassium,for example ) that the body requires .Commercially available products such as sports drinks can be useful in this regard.For children ,oral rehydration solution (ORS) packets are another good way to replenish the body fluids.

Treat fever and aches with over -the -counter medications such as acetaminophen (Tynenol is a common brand ),ibuprofen (Advl or Motrin are examples), and naproxe.Aspirin is not recommended in children or teenagers because of an increased risk of severe liver disease called Reye's syndrome.Always follow package directions.Do not combine medicines with the same ingredients.For example,many sinus preparations already contain acetaminophen and should not be taken together with Tyle nol.
Cough suppressants,antihistamines ,and decongestants should be used only according to package directions.
Avoid touching hard surfaces where flu viruses may remain alive : handrails,telephones,doors,faucets and counters .Wash your hands often ,especially after being in public places or at work.
Cough or sneeze into a soft tissue or handkerchief.Carefully dispose of tissues after using them and wash your hands.Stay away from people who have the flu if possible . If you experience flu symptoms,you should consider staying at home and not going to work or to crowded places in which you might spread the virus.

Foods Should Not Be Consumed By The Body

Here is a list of 5 foods that are generally very unhealthy.If you want to lose weight and avoid chronic disease ,then you shouldn't eat much of these foods.In many cases,the best choices is to avoid them completely.
In this article,healthy alternative are mentioned whenever possible.

1 . Frozen Meals
They may look tiny,but frozen dinners can be loaded with found one popular  national brand of chicken pot pie contains 64 grams of fat and 1.020 calories per serving.And  while the diet versions of these frozen foods may be low in fat,thy are heavily processed and are often high in sodium.

2 . Low- Fat Foods
Don't be fooled by the "Low - Fat" label.Makers of cookies,salad dressing,yogurt,and other foods labeled low - fat often substitute sugar,salt,and unhealthy fillers to add flavor and texture to other wise bland processed products.Author and Tv personality Dr.Mehmet Oz advises you to always choose real foods over processed,low-fat options.

3 . High - Sodium Foods
Salt contains sodium,which is not processed completely by a damaged liver.Canned foods,including soups ,meats or vegetables,are high in salt and sugar,which cause abdominal swelling and fluid retention.Following a low-sodium diet is optimal for preventing further liver damage as well as unnecessary inflammation.Use garlic ,pepper or spices to flavor foods instead of salt.

4 . Alcohol
Depending on the severity of damage to your liver,a chance for regeneration can occur if you abstrain from all alcoholic beverages.Chronic alcoholism contributes to the onset of liver damage because it inhibits proper absorption of nutrients,forcing the liver to become toxic.Avoid drinking beer,wine or champagne as well as any form of liquor.Take note that some over - the -counter pain medications also contain alcohol,such as cough syrup

5. Fried Foods
While it's true that frying food usually increase its caloric content,that doesn't necessary make it unhealthful.

"The consumption of certain fats,such as saturated fatty acids and trans fatty acids ( fats that are solid at room temperature ), is associated with an...increased risk of cardiovascular disease.On the other hand, the unsaturated fats,monounsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids (egg,canola,safflower and olive oils ) have significant metabolic benefits and are health promoting ," said the 2010 U.S. Dietary Guidelines Advisory Commitee. 

Sunday, April 17, 2016


Daily Habits Of Succesful People

Now,while we can all study successful habits,it's meaningsless if we don't implement that knowledge.So here are five daily habits of highly successful people - habits you can adopt to create the life you truly want to live :

1 . Wake Up Early

Notable early risers include Sir Richard Branson of Virgin Group, Disney CEO Robert Iger and Yahoo's Marissa Mayer.Waking up early isn't an easy habit to cultivate,though.I suggest you experiment with different techniques,but in general ,the most effective ones are :
Find a no- mercy alarm clock : Clocky Alarm Clock on Wheels,I can't Wake Up on Android,or slep cycle alarm
Don't hit snooze : Hitting the snooze button and going back to sleep for 5-10 minutes will make you feel worse.
No screen or light (even a tiny blue light ) at least one hour before bedtime.Light affects your circadian rhythm and melatonin production,the hormone responsible for  inducing sleep.Hal Elrod,author of The Miracle Morning,suggests writing your plans for the next day.The first task listed shouls get you excited enough to part with your comfy bed

2 . Get Your Butt Off The Couch

Successful people have all the resources they'll ever need to keep themselves fit and healthy.They can afford lipo,Botox and spa retreats.And yet exercise is still a part of their daily habits.Why ?Yes,exercise keeps you fit and all that,but it also keeps your brain healthy,minimizes stress, and improves memory.In fact,using "too much work " as an excuse not to exercise is counterproductive.Studies show that exercise can boost creativity and productivity by as much as two hours.It makes you smarter,too.

3 . Learn How to Say No

It's far better to say no to a project you aren't fully able to take on, rather than say yes and produce poor quality work or lose your focus on what matters most.Learning to say no when it is in your personal best interest ,or in the interest of your company, is an extremely valuable skill.Make a list of the things that are most important to you and that you must do yourself,and then delegate the things that can and should be done by someone else.Free yourself from daily busywork and you'll open up time for new opportunities

4 . Welcome Criticism

Learn to listen to and absorb the criticism that you get.Hateful and negative criticism should be heard,assessed , and then let go,while constructive criticism should be evaluated and acted upon .Solicit feedback from people whose opinions you value .Remember to be gracious when receeving feedback ; when you are ,your coworkers and friends will be more likely to give your their support and ideas in the future

5 . Visualize

Early hours foster reflection.Enjoy the quiet and take some time to map out your day.Think through your goals and to- dos.Take whatever notes you need to ensure your day will be calmer and more efficient.Research has shown that even two minutes of visualization and positive thinking can improve your mood and clarity for the entire day ahead

What habits of successful people do you practice when you start your day to make sure you are successful.Enjoy your day !!!

Tips Manage Stress More Effectively

You may feel there's nothing you can do about stress.The bills won't stop coming,there will never be more hours in the day,and your work and family responsibilities will always be demanding.But you have more control over stress than you might think.Stress management is all about taking charge :of your lifestyle,thoughts,emotions and the way you deal with problems.No matter how stressful your life seems,there are steps you can take to relieve the pressure and regain control.

12 tips if you want to manage stress more effectively :

1.Breathe deeply for at least two minutes.Focus on your breaths
2.Stretch different body parts for ten minutes.
3.Listen to something calming and distracting (news,music) unrelated to whatever is stressing you out.
4.Cuddle ( with a lover,friend or even a pet -physical touch is comfortting ) 
5.Detach from the source of stress ( excuse yourself from a meeting,take a break from a project,remove yourself from an argument ) for a five - minute break
6.Sniff lavender or geranium essential oil (both lower blood pressure )
7.Sit in the sun ( outside ) for five minutes
8.Paint a picture
9.Talk to a friend for ten minutes, even if just to hear about his or her life
10.Spend ten minutes grooming (nails,bath,hair )
11.Take a nap
12.Chew a piece of gum

Use this checklist to track your progress using these strategies to manage stress.Compare how you feel on days when you try this ways. Have a nice day :)

Friday, April 15, 2016


High Blood Pressure is a common disease in which blood flows through blood vessels (arteries) at higher than normal pressures.

About Healthy Diet


Diet is defined as a person's regularly consumed food and drink or it can mean regulating food intake to lose gain weight.
Nutritionists use "diet" to mean all the food you eat.Diet is not just menus for a day or week,but your usual food choices over time.Many other people use "diet" to describe a plan for weight loss or a specific prescription.

Planningg meals is hard..Let us do it for you!We've taken the guesswork out of eating healthy and losing weight.Our healthy meal plans can help you lose up to 2 pounds a week if weight loss is your goal or just help you eat a more balanced diet.The plans are designed by EatingWell's food and nutrition experts and our weekly meal plans include a variety of healthy,,delicious recipes.

1.A Low Carb Diet Meal Plan

 Eat : Meat,fish,eggs,vegetables,fruit,nuts,seeds,high-fat dairy,fats,healthy oils and maybe even some tubers and non-gluten grains.

Don't Eat : Sugar,HFCS,wheat,seed oils,trans fats, "diet" and low-fat products and highly processed foods.

2.A Mediterranean Diet Meal Plan

Eat:Vegetables,fruits,nuts,seeds,legumes,potatoes,whole grains,breads,herbs,speces,fish,seafood and extra virgin olive oil.

Eat in Moderation : Poultry,eggs,cheese and yogurt.

Eat Only Rarely : rea meat.

Don't Eat : Sugar-sweetened beverages,added sugars,processed meat,refined grains,refined oils and other highly processed foods.

3.Paleo Diet

The paleo diet is based on emulating the diet of our hunter-gatherer ancestors.It includes whole,unprocessed foods that resemble what they look like in nature.

Eat : Meat,fish,eggs,vegetables,fruits,nuts,seeds,herbs,speces,healthy fast and oils.

Avoid : Processed foods,sugar,soft drinks,grains,most dairy products,legumes,artificial sweeteners,vegetables oils,margarine and trans fats.