Symptoms Of Avian Influenza :
You may have H5N1 if you experience typical flu - like symptoms such as :
3.respiratory Difficulties
4.Fever (over 104.4 F )
6.Muscle Aches
8.Runny Nose
9.Sore Throat
Cause And Treatment Of Avian Influenza (Bird Flu) :Avian Influenza Cause
Bird flu is caused by a type of influenza A virus.There are many types of influenza viruses,and most prefer to live in a limited number of animal hosts.Thus,swine flu primarily infects swine ,and avian influenza primarily infects birds.Howeve,in the late 1990s,a new strain of bird flu arose that was remarkable for its ability to cause severe disease and death in domesticated birds such as ducks ,chickens or turkeys.Treatment Of Avian Influenza
Rest in bed.Avoid physical exertion.Avoid using alcohol and tobacco.Drink plenty of fluids such as water ,fruit juices,and clear soups.Water should not be the sole or main liquid consumed for prolonged periods because it does not contain adequate electrolytes (sodium and potassium,for example ) that the body requires .Commercially available products such as sports drinks can be useful in this regard.For children ,oral rehydration solution (ORS) packets are another good way to replenish the body fluids.
Treat fever and aches with over -the -counter medications such as acetaminophen (Tynenol is a common brand ),ibuprofen (Advl or Motrin are examples), and naproxe.Aspirin is not recommended in children or teenagers because of an increased risk of severe liver disease called Reye's syndrome.Always follow package directions.Do not combine medicines with the same ingredients.For example,many sinus preparations already contain acetaminophen and should not be taken together with Tyle nol.
Cough suppressants,antihistamines ,and decongestants should be used only according to package directions.
Avoid touching hard surfaces where flu viruses may remain alive : handrails,telephones,doors,faucets and counters .Wash your hands often ,especially after being in public places or at work.
Cough or sneeze into a soft tissue or handkerchief.Carefully dispose of tissues after using them and wash your hands.Stay away from people who have the flu if possible . If you experience flu symptoms,you should consider staying at home and not going to work or to crowded places in which you might spread the virus.
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